Patrick Bouchet - La recherche en Management du Sport en « francophonie » : L’avènement d’un écosystème

mos:7042 - Management et Organisations du Sport, 18 janvier 2021, Vol. 1 | 2021 -
La recherche en Management du Sport en « francophonie » : L’avènement d’un écosystèmeArticle

Auteurs : Patrick Bouchet 1

  • 1 UFR Sciences du Sport (STAPS) (Université de Bourgogne)

This paper aims to synthesize research on the Management of Sports Organizations (MOS) in France. Three parts structure this voluntarily simplifying contribution, very personal and collective at the same time through the direct and indirect contributions of many researchers. First of all, two historical parts between the 1960s and the 2000s provide a first disciplinary and then thematic perspective in order to make a French-speaking retrospective of the dynamics of scientific production. A last part in the form of a conclusion and an opening seeks to characterize the recent dynamics of MOS research (specialization, interaction, diversification) according to disciplines and/or objects of study. From this point of view, it constitutes a call for contributions that could be added progressively through the electronic format of the S2MS journal: Management & Organisations du Sport.

Volume : Vol. 1 | 2021
Rubrique : Synthèses
Publié le : 18 janvier 2021
Accepté le : 4 janvier 2021
Soumis le : 4 janvier 2021
Mots-clés : Management,research,sports,sports organizations,[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration

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