Hugo Bourbillères ; Mathieu Djaballah.
Paris 2024 aims to establish a new model for sustainable mega-events based on the 2020+5agenda. By placing the Games in the context of an ambitious social project, the organizers areraising hopes in many areas (ecological, economic, social), whereas previous Olympiads andthe large number of unknown factors linked to the bid and then the organization justify caution.The academic literature is characterized by a nuanced approach. Indeed, the currentprominence of the notion of legacy should not obscure decades of scientific research into thecomplexity of each of the dimensions that are supposed to constitute it. This paper offers anarrative literature review on the measurement, analysis, and evaluation of economic, social,tourism and environmental impacts. They are characterized by a degree of complexity and arefraught with counter-intuitive effects that need to be understood in order to grasp the potentialstructuring role of the event on its territory. The aim of this paper is to provide researchers andstudents interested in the impact of sporting events with keys to understanding the issuebecause, despite the methodological difficulties involved, mega-events are valuable indicatorsof the democratic, societal and political dynamics at work in our societies.
Rubrique : Synthèses
Annabelle Caprais.
This article focuses on the governance of French national sports federations. The objective is to analyze the organizational processes that produce inequalities (gender, class, race, etc.). To this end, the study relies on five federation case studies (basketball, cycling, rugby union, dance and UFOLEP). The method is based on semi-structured interviews with board members (n=78) and a documentary study. It shows that behind a disembodied functioning, governance constitutes a poorly formalized space where sociability plays an essential role. Instead of equalizing the rules for participation in governance, the electoral system produces and legitimizes indirect discrimination. The votes unevenly distributed between the candidates favour those from the most important territories in terms of licensed practice. The recruitment of leaders is based on a system of clan recommendations, which contributes to their social reproduction. If these results support the literature on sports governance, the study also reveals new processes participating in the inequality regime. Evolving hierarchically also requires the acquisition of specific bodily and temporal dispositions. Finally, if positions are volunteers, they make an economic investment on their part in order to access the most important positions. These elements constitute organizational filters which contribute to restricting access to decision-making positions and the retention of men, perceived as white, and from the most […]
Rubrique : Articles de recherche